Money Is Debt.

The rich and wealthy don’t work for money because money is debt.


By the Law of Precession, if you want to be rich and you focus and work purely for money, you may repel people.


Do you want to befriend or do business with somebody who only cares for money or worst, just want your money?

If you keep chasing for money, you will only be happy if you get the next dollar.

In other words, you will soon become unhappy and greedy.

What does the truly rich do to earn money?

They deliver positive and sustainable values and in doing so, earn lasting wealth.

Money in the form of currency is legal tender of a country that will have to honour its worth. It’s somewhat like debt.

In essence, money is a medium of exchange.

And it should rightfully be an exchange for something that is meaningful, purposeful and fulfilling.

Working purely for money is liken to working for the road and not building the road to reach a desired destination.

Ultimately, the end purpose of money is to raise well being of the people and environment around you.

Money should be used to put to right the wrongs in society.

It should be used to touch lives, bless families, improve communities, and make the world a better home.

Therefore, don’t work for money.

Work towards being a problem-solver and a solution-provider and money will flow naturally and quickly to you.

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
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How Would You Like To Be Treated? Do The Same To Others.

They who practice discrimination of any kind to a foreigner forgot that their ancestors were once upon a time migrant workers in our small little red dot.

They forgot that many treated their ancestors well. That’s why their ancestors and them can survive and thrive in in our land.

They forgot that one day they may run into a storm and come out if it bruised and beaten.

They will need others to be kind and gracious to them and not to look down on them.

They forgot that by being kind to the less advantaged, they are showing their children how to be loving to others as well as to them, especially when they may someday become old, weak, and sick.

They forgot that by creating class differences and social divide, they are not showing Singapore in a good light to the world.

They forgot that when they travel overseas, they would hope foreigners will look after them and treat them well in their countries.

They forgot that such prejudices will also affect our culture and quite possibly turn our society into a cold and heartless one.

They forgot that by looking after those who are not as privileged as them, they are building a peaceful and gracious society that can help them do better in life.

Let’s help them to remember to do to others what they want others to do to them – even before others have done it.

The greatness of our country is a reflection of the way we look after our people as well as the people who are not from our land.

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
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Renewing Your Mind to Create Wealth

Many are programmed to fail and to be poor – unless they renew their mind to be wealthy.

When I was young, I learned about The Four Temperaments.

It is a well-regarded tool that has been widely taught by Tim LaHaye, a man I respect for his spiritual insights.

However, every use can be abused. In this case, I applied this tool wrongly.

It prevented an abundance of wealth from flowing into my life.

I learned that I was a melancholic. There are advantages and disadvantages of having such a temperament.

Like many people, instead of focusing on my strengths, I focus on my weaknesses.

A melancholic tends to be more of a gloomy loner. He holds a dim and more pessimistic view of life.

As a friend, you’ll probably jump in at this stage and say, “Patrick, this is definitely not you. You’re a fun-loving person. Definitely more positive than most people.”

You’re right and you’re also wrong. But, please let me finish my story.

A melancholic is inclined to be overly sensitive. He can hold two or more conversations in his mind.

I wasn’t sure if I became more melancholic because I was one.

Or, because I was mindful of it, therefore, I became more of a melancholic.

It was probably a combination of both forces.

Sadly, for a while, I manifested many weaknesses of a melancholic.

One day, I had a divinely-appointed “Aha!” moment.

I realized our Creator could change me instantly.

My negative beliefs didn’t have to make me, me. Self-talk might not be true.

Dominating negative thoughts did not have to become a reality.

My mind is only a part of a complete system that made up my being.
It can be transformed and disciplined to serve a higher purpose.

From that moment on, the ‘New Patrick’ replaced the ‘Old Patrick’.

I embarked on a journey to add more positive values in my life, and remove the negative values of the ‘Old Patrick’.

I began to renew my mind to be rich and wealthy.

To help me do so, I implemented what I called the “D.A.R.E.” system.

I needed courage to change my life, especially to change the way I have always lived.

Someone once told me, “Courage is not the absence of fear. It is having the commitment, initiatives and perseverance to pursue my dream despite of fear”.

By the way, I wrote this chapter furiously on my way back from Frankfurt. It was like the last thing I must complete in my life.

That’s how important I felt about the lessons in this chapter.

In short, the renewal of your mind will change your life.

D – Define Your Beliefs

“A problem well defined is half-solved”.

  • Ted Engstrom, Founder of World Vision

To reprogram your mind, you need to be completely honest with yourself. Seek feedback from those who know you better than yourself.

Have clarity about the underlying beliefs that influenced your life – no matter how deep these beliefs are buried in your being.

Each of these beliefs has influenced you in different ways.

It has impacted you before and it may continue to do so throughout your life.

Choose the words that best described your belief.

Make sure that you’re very clear about the meaning of those words and how they have affected your wealth situation.

As you study the list of beliefs, be cognizant that behind your belief, there may be another belief driving and influencing it.

Examine the layers and hierarchy of your beliefs. Find out the set of core beliefs that is pulling many of the strings in your mind.

If you change these core beliefs, you can make major changes in your life.

The new beliefs act as fuel to combust your wealth-creating engine forward to success.

A – Analyse The Results

“Results are true measurements of life”.

  • Anonymous

After you have defined your beliefs, pose yourself a series of questions.

The quality of your life is determined by the quantity of quality questions that you ask yourself constantly (see Table 7.1: Questions to help redesign your beliefs).

Questions will direct your mind to find answers. It will drive you to seek help from our Creator and other wise counsels so as to find better solutions.


What are my beliefs about wealth?

What are my core beliefs about wealth?

How did I form these beliefs?

Why did I select these beliefs?

Are these beliefs from me or from others?

How did I live out these beliefs in my life?

What are the outcomes from these beliefs?

Are they motivating me towards or away from taking action?

Are they leading me nearer or further away from my vision?

What can I do to change and improve these beliefs?

How can I remove my limiting beliefs?

How can I grieve over these negative beliefs and still accept myself?

How can I replace them with empowering beliefs?

How can I overcome limiting beliefs when they reappear in my life?

How can I craft empowering beliefs?

Will the empowering beliefs help me achieve my dream and vision?

How should I live out the empowering beliefs?

How should I be passionate and feel excited about the empowering beliefs?

How should I think, talk and act when I live with the empowering beliefs?

How can I improve my beliefs?

Questions to help redesign your beliefs

As a result of asking these questions, you will realise that you have not deliberately planned for and thought through your beliefs.

You did not carefully evaluate and select them in the past.

Many of your beliefs were the result of influences from your background, experiences, and people around you.

Those beliefs have somehow seeped into your mind and became a part of your life.

To reprogram your mind, you need to know why and how you developed and adopted these beliefs.

By doing that, it will help you evaluate their place and influence in your life.

Determine the bearing of these beliefs on your behaviour. How they have affected you in terms of taking the right or wrong actions to pursue your desired future.

Through this analysis, ascertain how you have lived out these beliefs in the past and the resulting outcomes. Determine what results you will get if you continue to hold on to these beliefs.

Match these results to see if they are in line with the fulfillment of your dream and vision.

This analysis will form the basis for you to develop a new set of beliefs to help you create optimal wealth.

R – Redesign My Beliefs

“If you do the same things, you will always get the same results.
In other words, to change the results, you must
change the way you do things”.

  • Anonymous

Beliefs are means to an end.

To start with the end in mind, as taught by Stephen Covey, you need to know the purpose of your life.

Find out the vision that you are aiming to achieve with your wealth.

Study the beliefs of successful people. Improve on their beliefs, and position yourself to achieve similar or better results.

Constantly redesign your beliefs so that they will fit your personality, the people you work with, the situation, and the tasks at hand.

These empowering beliefs will help you achieve your desired purpose and goal.

The new beliefs should meet the following criteria:

  1. First Person Pronoun

It should be crafted using the first person pronoun – i.e. “I, me, myself”. The beliefs are for you and not for others.

  1. Direct, Simple and Short

It should be direct, simple and short. If it is crafted with long sentences and not clear, it will be hard to remember and apply them.

  1. Results-Focused

It should support what you aim to achieve, and inspire you to fulfill your dream.

  1. Present Continuous Tense

When you use a present continuous tense, you’re committing your mind to turn your dream into a reality and to become more motivated to live out the dream in your life.

  1. Inspirational

It should be crafted in a positive, motivational and empowering way.

Specify what you want to achieve and not what you do not want to achieve in your life.

After crafting the new beliefs, believe in them and that they can be lived out in your life.

Be passionate about the values and feel excited about making them an important part of your life.

The new set of beliefs needs to be constantly improved on so that you can leverage on it to accomplish a higher level of achievements.

And be inspired to progress to a higher plane of life.

E – Entrench Your Beliefs

“The core strategy of the wealth-creation plan is execution.
Execution is the highway to take you from your dream
until it becomes a reality”.

  • Anonymous

It is one thing to craft an effective set of beliefs, it is quite another to be able to live out the set of beliefs and leverage upon them to achieve optimal financial results.

Therefore, commit to your set of beliefs. Be passionate about the beliefs and make them real in your life.

New Self-Talk. To do so, change your self-talk. The good news is that you can discipline yourself until you develop a new way to communicate with yourself.

Repeat your set of new beliefs passionately and regularly. Affirm your beliefs and feel good about them.

Through affirmation, it will help you to destroy the old neural pathways and create new ones that will support a financially brighter future.

When you voice each belief with positive emotions and feeling, it will strengthen your commitment to it.

Commitment will help you create better results.

With better results, you can further enhance your emotional muscles which will then help you achieve even better financial results.

Start a virtuous cycle with the empowering self-talk.

Train and Share. Train others to renew their minds and share about how to do it at informal discussions.

Make it a point to encourage others to adopt a better set of beliefs.

As you promote a better set of beliefs, you are also encouraging yourself and motivating yourself to live out the beliefs so as to set a good example for your children and friends.

Battles Ahead. Will a limiting belief come into your mind again? Yes, of course!

Be vigilant and prevent the limiting belief from rearing its ugly head.

Avoid ‘energy vampires’. These are people, including well-intentioned people, who will suck your energy with their words and actions.

Don’t be a hero.

One of the best ways to handle them, unfortunately, is to “run” – as fast and as far as possible from them.

It’s not good enough to remove negativity. Negativity abhors a mental vacuum. It will return back to you.

That’s why, you may need to ‘force-feed’ yourself – through your five senses – with everything that is positive.

For example, carry a positive book with you all the time. In your free time, read the book so as to fill your mind with the right thoughts.

Removing Negative Beliefs. Very often, negativity comes from yourself.

Years ago, I developed an interesting and fun way to manage the negative beliefs.

First, I would tie a rubber band around my wrist.

Resist. Every time, I thought negatively or hear a negative word, I would respond immediately and with a strong emotion, “Stop!”

I would snap myself to further ensure it would not start a train of negative thoughts.

I would not allow the seed of negative belief to take root and grow until it became a monkey on my back.

Rationalise. Then, I would confront and challenge the negative belief.

I learned not to believe every negative information that my mind told me.

I learned to confront and reason with it.

Along the way, I discovered I have been immersed in many lies and half-truths about wealth-creation.

When I pondered over these negative beliefs, I discovered they don’t make sense and they have served me negatively.


Negative Self-Talk By ‘Old Patrick’:

Patrick, you can never be rich.

Positive Self-Talk By ‘New Patrick’:

“Why can’t I be rich? There are many people who are worse than me. If they can be rich, I can be rich too. If I work hard and smart, of course, I can be rich.”

Sometimes, I will confront my mind using a third party’s perspective.


“If the wisest person evaluates this belief, will he approve and adopt it?”

“Will our Creator want me to have this belief?”


After rationalizing and removing my negative belief, I would then replace it with an empowering belief.

I would leverage on past lessons to strengthen my resolution to live out a new belief.

I needed to keep replaying the new belief until it became a part of the operating system in my mind and heart.


“My loved ones are living a better and better life as I’m becoming richer and richer.”

“The world is a much better place as I’m donating more and more money.”

“I’m helping more and more people as I’m becoming wealthier and wealthier.”

As you remove negative beliefs and renew your mind with empowering beliefs, you’ll get better results in your life.

Remember and record positive experiences, especially the great feelings that resulted from these experiences. Anchor these memories deeply in your mind.

These memories will become a treasure cove that you can leverage on to overcome future negative beliefs.

Every time, when you feel down or when you’re challenging a doubt, an uncertainty or a fear, recall these positive memories. They will give you the extra energy to reprogram your beliefs and renew your mind.

To conclude, aim to renew yourself throughout your life.

When you reprogram your beliefs, it will renew your mind.

When you renew your mind, it will reengineer your thoughts, words, and actions. It will then redesign your behavior and reinvigorate your lifestyle.

Ultimately, it will help you to reinvent your life.
It will recharge you for a wealthier future.

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
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Value Of A Smile

Recently, I shook hands with three persons and on three different occasions.

They asked me the same age-old question, “Patrick, how’re you?”

While responding to the question, I was studying the body language of the first person.

Quite clearly, he had no interest in me.

The second person couldn’t wait for me to finish to start the real agenda – his agenda.

The third person was only interested to sell me his product.

Whichever way I changed the subject and whatever I said, somehow he was able to bring me back to his business.

On all three occasions, I was actually quite amused and could have burst out laughing.

I thought to myself, “What if I had replied, “I’m about to commit suicide,” would they have continued according to their hidden agenda?”

I was sure the third person would sell to me with a greater sense of urgency.

I have been diligently studying the art of smiling and handshake for many years.

That, to me is a good start to making a good impression on others.

Done correctly, a positive relationship will start taking traction.

Otherwise, your relationship may just roll downhill.

Let me share with you three Masters of smiling and handshakes.

They are people who have made the greatest impact on me when they smile and held my hand on the first and subsequent meetings.

In 2002, my partner and I invited President Bill Clinton to deliver a lecture in Singapore.

During his visit, it was such a great experience to interact with him and observe a Master of smiling and handshake in action.

I could tell that he put in a lot of himself into every handshake.

He would hold the hands longer than normal to make it special for the other party.

Stare into the other person’s eyes and give them his megawatt heartfelt smile.

It seemed like nothing could distract him during that moment.

It was not surprising that many people told me subsequently and with almost the same words, “When I shook his hands, I felt like the world had disappeared. It seems like there were only two of us facing each other.”

Another Master of handshake is Mr Alfred Wong, the Executive Chairman of Noel Holding, a publicly-listed company on Singapore Exchange.

Before he even held my hands, he made me feel like I’m a long lost friend and he had been waiting for a long while to see me.

I could feel warmth exuding from his smile and from every part of his being.

When he held on to my hand, it was not just a handshake.

It was like we were two brothers who met and were connected for a special purpose.

When he smiled at me, the smile went straight to my heart. It was an electrifying moment.

Last but not least, another Master of handshake is Dr David Lim, my ex- Senior Pastor.

I need to let you know that Dr Lim was a prodigy in school, having gone to University at the age of 15.

He started preaching shortly thereafter, and while serving in the church, he completed his doctorate degree in a prestigious institution.

He is a very intelligent man and if I may add, a leader of many talents and accomplishments.

Before I shook his hands, I could feel his humility. A sense of sincerity that I’m important to him.

Dr Lim would not only shake my hands with passion and respect, he would also tilt his head and so gently bow to me.

He made me feel good about meeting him, and feel good about myself too.

When he asked, “How’re you?” I knew it was not a perfunctory question.

He meant it with all his heart and with only the best of intention.

He would look me into my eyes and wait.

He wanted to listen to me – I could feel it.

He would express care and concern and want to see if there were anything he could do for me.

He once told me, “When I shake hands with every person in church, I’ll pray for their well being in my heart.” Wow!

Model yourself after these three Masters when you smile and shake hands with every person you meet.

Replicate their magic and soon, you’ll find the world smiling more heartily, regularly, and longer at you.

Keep smiling with utmost warmth and friendliness until the world can’t help but smile back at you.

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
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A Lifetime Of An Embarassment.

I read an interesting article in the October 2013 issue of the Reader’s Digest. It was written by Bruce Feiler from the New York Times.

The well-written article was entitled, The stories that bind us.

What attracted me was the subtitle, ‘The strongest families are those that know – and teach the next generation – their histories.

According to the author, ‘…the single most important thing you can do for your family, it seems, is to develop a strong family narrative.

To support the point, he quoted a study conducted at the Emory University by Marshall Duke, a psychologist and his colleague, Robyn Fivush.

They apparently found that the more children knew about their families’ histories, the stronger their sense of control over their lives, the higher their self esteem, and the more successfully they believed their families functioned.

They also tend to be more resilient.

He concluded the article by encouraging the readers.

The bottom line: if you want a happier family, create, refine, and retell the story of your family’s best moments and your relations ability to bounce back from the difficult ones.

That act alone may increase the odds that your family will thrive for many generations to come.

I was very happy to read the article because members of the Liew Family are story tellers.

In fact, we have a habit of recounting past experiences and we still harbor good feelings about them.

One of our favorite stories or should I say my children’s favorite stories was about Elsa when she was still a child.

It was a story they would love to repeat, half in jest to embarrass me and remind me to live up to my promises.

The story was about how I had left her at the swimming pool with the coach.

One of my former classmates was also there with her daughter who was learning how to swim in the same class.

I had asked my friend to keep an eye on my girl.

Feeling safe that she was in good hands, I had gone to a pet shop to purchase food for our pets at home.

At the shop, I was attracted by a huge bird cage, one that was big enough to house three humans in it.

I started to discuss with the shopkeeper about the possibilities of what I could do with the cage.

Then I started to bargain with him for what I thought was a giveaway price.

Ultimately, what I paid for it was much higher than what was printed on the shop’s receipt.

The price?

A lifetime of embarrassment and for awhile, regret and remorse.

While engaging the shopkeeper, I did not realize that time had stolen an important part of my mind.

I forgot about picking up my daughter.

Perhaps as an excuse, I told myself that it was okay to be late.

She would be sitting patiently on a bench besides the pool and waiting for me.

What I don’t like to tell you was that it was also pouring cats and dogs at that point in time.

There was also a dark overcast and the environment was gloomy and getting gloomier.

By the time I reached the swimming pool, I saw my poor little girl sitting at the bench bawling her hearts out.

My friend was besides her abd she could not console her.

Elsa told me later, “The class had ended.

I was still in the pool, swimming and playing by myself.

“Then it started to rain. I started to panic. I didn’t know what to do.

“You were not around. And I was wet and shivering in cold.”

Then she broke up in tears.

At that point in time, my heart broke into a thousand pieces.

No matter how much it broke, it would not be enough to redeem my irresponsible action as a father.

I prayed very hard that my daughter would not suffer any psychological trauma.

That she would not lose faith in me as a result of my negligence.

I’m grateful to our Creator for watching over her and protecting her.

Thankfully, she recovered from the incident.

In fact, she turned the story into somewhat of a joke.

My children used it to bargain with me to do whatever they wanted and also for presents.

It took me awhile to find the equilibrium and leverage to stand up to their blackmail and negotiation ploy. Lol!

The best part of this story was that they would retell the story obviously with salt and pepper added to it.

If it was told in the presence of my wife, she would also tell her part in it.

She would begin by saying,”When I was driving past you, I saw Elsa crying in the car. I knew immediately…”

At that juncture, my children would join in one voice to tell the rest of her story.

It was done in a way to add salt to wounds and pepper to eyes to make me feel more remorseful.

I’m happy that my girl has put the incident behind her.

She can joke about it and have a good laugh over it.

She had forgiven her father.

Even though she had not forgotten the incident, she had removed the negative emotions and replaced them with positive ones.

She had not allowed herself to be affected mentally, emotionally and psychologically.

It had not caused her to respond negatively to both herself and others – except to make fun of her not-so-innocent father.

This story has reinforced my belief that there is a beautiful humour in every problem.

The bigger the problem, the more uplifting the humour.

We may not realize it while we are facing the problem.

However, if we keep our hearts and minds open; especially for the new and unexpected, we can learn from them and have a good laugh over them.

We should laugh over them because when we are laughing, we can’t be unhappy at the same time.

The positive juices that are produced in our brains as a result of laughing will give us added strength, energy and vitality to overcome challenges.

It will also improve our resilience quotient.

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
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Welcome Home.

I was once on board SQ 001 and it was returning to Changi Airport, the most beautiful airport in the world.

The Captain came on the air and made the usual announcement.

Towards the end, he said something that put a smile on my face.

“To all fellow Singaporeans and permanent residents, welcome home.”

I was not sure if that was part of the standard script. That was the first time I heard such a statement.

“Welcome Home,” these two words brought sunshine to my heart.

For the past few months, I’ve traveled to many countries.

While I enjoyed their sights and sounds, it was nothing like home.

Singapore is a country where I can pursue my dreams. A country where I can do whatever I want to do and enjoy whatever I want to enjoy.

A country where I can leave my family and loved ones and know that they are safe.

Truly, my home.

In the past few months, I was engaged in a free-for-all, no holds barred discourse with some of the smartest people I’ve ever met.

They were from different countries, background and culture.

We had been discussing and debating about the merits of different systems in the world.

Singapore is not perfect and may not be everybody’s favourite place, but there’s no denial it was widely admired and respected for its achievements.

During the flight, I happened to sit besides a well-educated and articulate man.

He has been staying in Singapore for many years and was probably influenced by our expectation of high standards or some might call it, hard-to-satisfy demands.

He was rattling the usual complaints that have been repeated again and again on some online sites.

As I was sitting on the centre seat, there was no way I could escape and therefore, I had to listen to his grousing for the initial part of the trip.

Many of his oft-repeated arguments have never been deeply questioned.

They have never been thought through vigorously enough, and supported by solid evidence.

Some of the lies, half truths, and misinformation that have unfortunately been circulated, especially on social media, have been accepted as facts.

Perception in this case has become a dominant and domineering influence and a reality.

Long ago, I had decided not to engage in a meaningless argument, and hung up the debater’s hat.

Even if I had won an argument, it was not the best way to change mindset.

Worst, I might even lose a friend.

After awhile of listening to him, I started to ask him questions.

For example,

“How do you know it’s true?”

“Do you have a better policy or option?”

“Which multicultural country with almost no natural resources has achieved better results than us?”

At one point, he mentioned about the Finnish educational system.

Fortunately, I had done some research about that system and was able to show why Singapore has a better system.

At the least, it was a better system for Singaporeans.

At one point, I could tell he became doubtful about his beliefs and arguments.

When his mind was open, I could share with him the virtues and strengths of our country.

As I was sharing with him, I became more grateful for our Shining Red Dot.

Proud of what we have done and achieved in less than one generation.

If the clarion call to defend our country should ever be made and I pray it will never happen, I will put on my greens, and defend our country and way of life.

It’s worth putting my life on the line for my home.

I have always loved Singapore.

On that flight, I fell in love with my home again.

To all fellow Singaporeans and permanent residents, It’s good to be home.

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
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Pursuit of Success

After completing my studies, I embarked on a very interesting journey. This journey took me more than 30 years.

At a young age, I thought that there was a “Secret of Success”. If I got hold of it, I would be rich and wealthy for the rest of my life.

Little did I realize, the journey became a long and exciting pilgrimage.

All along, I knew I was not smart.

The more I learned, the more I discovered how little I have learned and how much more I have to learn in my life.

Still, I was determined to learn all the wonderful lessons out there.

Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, my battle cry was, “Learn or die!”

I’m eternally grateful to all the wonderful teachers, including Professor Problems, Professor Failures, Professor Crises, and all the other wonderful Professors in the University of Life for training me.

One day, while I was standing at my kitchen, it suddenly dawned upon my mind.

The “Secret” has always been near me and in fact, right in my heart.

I found the “Secret”.

Finally. Eureka!

The secret of wealth is not learning. It is discipleship.

Learning has a connotation of just taking in information. It is passive in terms of how you use the information.

Discipleship is more than just learning.

It is the process of learning and improving every area of your life, including your knowledge, attitude, skills, and habits so as to achieve the highest level of results.

The root word of disciple and discipline came from the same Latin word, ‘discipulus’.

There are four major disciplines to becoming a more successful person. They are as follows:

  1. Conversion

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

  • Mohandas K. Gandhi

Discipleship is not just about who you have learned from and what you have learned.

It’s also about whether the learning experience has transformed you for good.

The learning experience should transform key areas of your life and make you a wealthier and wiser person.

To do so, be disciplined enough to learn from the right source.

Learn at the right time, right place, and in the right way.

Be disciplined to convert learning data into useful information.

Apply the information in your life and convert it into knowledge.

When you leverage on the knowledge to produce worthwhile results, it is converted to wisdom.

At the end of the learning experience, you should be in a better position to fulfill your highest calling in life.

  1. Conduct

Be disciplined to apply what you have learned and improve on it.

Learn how to think correctly and deeply about the lesson.

Apply it to change your attitude, behavior and lifestyle for the better. Finally, it must produce results.

“I will put everything I have in every action – as if my life depends on it.” (Anonymous)

Discipleship must bear fruit. Otherwise, some pruning, cutting, or even replanting is in order.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the saying, “If you learn and don’t take action, it’s as good as not learning.”

  1. Correction

Every learning outcome will be tested again and again in the “examinations of life”.

Be disciplined enough to be accountable for your action.

Take responsibility, and be corrected.

“Corrections can be feedback, to bring me back to the right path of success.” (Anonymous)

Be courageous to admit your failures and mistakes and subject yourself to the necessary penances, penalties and punishments.

Exercise discipline to offer compensations and restitutions to resolve a challenging situation.

Implement continuous improvements to enhance your future.

Learn to set things right on an ongoing basis to be successful.

  1. Coaching

One of the best ways to learn is to teach and the best ways to grow is to coach others.

Be disciplined to help more and more people to become better than you.

“Coaching paves the way forward for others – and for yourself.” (Anonymous)

If you can do that, you will take your learning and discipleship journey to a higher level and improve your wealth-creation results.

Let me give you some examples on how to apply these four disciplines to develop a wealthier life.

Example: Conversion

If you want to be wealthy, you should learn from a credible and qualified trainer. Learn to invest your money correctly.

Example: Conduct

Plan for your personal and household expenses.

Discipline yourself to spend less and save more.

Example: Correction

If you have any negative financial habit, find out why and how you develop the habit.

Eradicate the root causes of your negative habit.

Ask your friend to watch out for you as you change your financial habits.

Example: Coaching

Look out for knowledgeable and competent trainer.

He should be in a good position to train you on how to earn and invest more money and generate positive returns for your investment.

The day you stop learning, you start to become poorer.

And you go through what I call a half-death.

Why half-death? Because the Chinese believes that half-death is worse than death.

If you’re not learning, growing, and improving your results, you’re not living – you’re decaying.

Life will then not be worth living.

If you want to be successful, you must make a lifelong commitment to learn and discipline yourself to achieve better results.

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
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An Inspirational Story Of Hope And Achievement

Recently I spent some time to catch up with an old friend whom I’ve known for more than 20 years.

As part of the story is sensitive, I shall keep his name anonymous.

Let’s just call him Matt.

Matt grew up in poverty and survived with hardly enough food for each meal.

From a very young age, he had to work to earn adequate pocket money for himself.

After completing his primary school education, Matt decided to join the working world to keep himself alive.

He had a good run for awhile.

Unfortunately, he invested his hard-earned money on the wrong side of the investment curve.

At that point, he came to me, steeped in debt and looking for a way out of his deep-valley experience.

As he was facing strong headwinds in his business, I counseled and challenged him to give up his target market and pursue a new direction in his business.

It must have taken a lot from him to give up the familiar, recreate himself, and restart his entrepreneurial journey.

Since that time, I’ve always admired Matt for his open-mindedness to pursue a better change.

Inspired by his ability to cultivate new knowledge and retool himself for better results.

Our paths crossed again a few years later. At that juncture, Matt had come face to face with another brick wall.

As he could not surmount or go around the brick wall, his entrepreneurial journey virtually came to a dead end.

After analysing his past operations and results, I told Matt that he was relying too much on his well-honed sales and marketing skills to achieve profit, advantage and growth.

As a result of his limited focus and skill set, he has unwittingly capped his potential for bigger and better results.

We worked together for many years to help Matt learn and develop a more comprehensive leadership skill set.

He was able to fine tune and cultivate a more rounded entrepreneurial mindset, knowledge and expertise.

That phase of his life became another platform to propel himself and his business to another higher level.

Awhile later, Matt suffered one of his biggest setbacks.

His business partner plunged a big knife behind his back.

Although Matt had not shared with me the emotional details, I could sense that the experience left Him a broken man for awhile.

On many occasions in our interactions, I could feel his resentment and even anger for his partner.

Still, Matt was able to eventually bury the negative emotions and move on in his life.

Instead of wallowing in self-pity and despair, Matt turned the pitfall into a pillar of strength.

He once told me, “I’m thankful to my partner. He forced me to rethink my life and pursue new lines of businesses.”

Long story short, Matt is currently running a chain of profitable wellness centres and retail outlets.

He’s also working on investing and developing a creative line of property developments that will help him and his business achieve radical breakthroughs.

At our last meeting, one of his parting shots was that I had contributed a lot to his personal development.

All these years, I had opened doors again and again for him to bounce back from pits of failures to achieve peaks of successes.

I do not have the audacity to claim any credit for Matt’s achievements.

He has accomplished many things that have surprised me.

In addition, he has achieved results that I could not imagine let alone achieve in my lifetime.

I trust Matt’s story will encourage readers who are going through challenging times.

The Chinese has a saying, 天无绝人之路.

In essence it means, the universe will not cut off the means from any human to achieve success.

There’ll always be a way out of every dead end on the journey of life.

As the English would say, Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

You can turn every pitfall into a pillar of strength and every millstone into a cornerstone for greater achievement.

As long as you believe in your God-given potential to achieve success, and you keep pressing on to press on wisely, you’ll find the means and ways to soar to the stars of your dream.

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
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Learning From Wild Dogs

On 29 December 2012, I visited the Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary at Mossel Bay, Western Cape of South Africa.

As the Tourist Guide led a group of us from one section to another, he introduced various animals to us.

The purpose was to give us a better appreciation of other fellow residents on planet Earth.

Understand the part that they playin our ecology and to appreciate and value them.

At the end of the tour, I had not only a better knowledge of the animals, I became a more enlightened person.

In particular, I became more appreciative of one particular species of animals.

In fact, it made such a deep impression on me that it became a major learning experience in my life.

To me, the climax of the tour was learning about wild dogs (Lycaon pictus).

These fierce-looking animals looked like some of our domestic dogs except that they were taller and have ears that were larger and were generally round and black.

They have brown, black, white and yellowish-brown patches all over their body, and bushy tails, the tips of which are mainly white.

The looks of wild dogs might not be attractive, at least to me.

However, there was a quality about them which moved my heart.

Let me share with you this quality by repeating the story that was told to us by the Guide.

Hopefully, by the time I finished, you will not think that they are wild animals.

In fact, they are probably a lot less wild than some humans, especially in terms of some of their social behaviours.

By the way, I once went to a Zoo and it had a cage for the worst animal in the world.

When you looked into the cage, guess what?

You would find a mirror facing you.

Back to the wild dogs.

These mammals lived and hunted as a pack.

Once they have identified a prey, they would be very focused on it.

Worked together to pursue it in a long and open chase and would not give up until it becomes “wildlife sashimi.”

As a result, they have a success rate for a kill of about 80%.

Lions despite their reputation as aggressive predators have a rate of only about 30%.

Wild dogs have one of the best stamina in the animal kingdom.

Eventually, they would either outrun a prey or pursue it until the prey ran out of energy.

Usually, while giving chase, the younger and fitter wild dogs are better at closing the gap with the prey and they would snap at it.

The prey would then hemorrhage and would eventually have to stop running after losing an excessive amount of blood.

According to the Guide, “The wild dogs would share the feast with the older dogs.

“They would even regurgitate the flesh to make it easier for the older dogs to consume it.”

I found out later that they would also bring food to the sick or injured wild dogs, pups, and wild dogs that stayed behind to look after the rest of the pack.

Instinctively, they seemed to remember that the older and other wild dogs had looked after them before and they should return the favour.

Somehow, they also realised it was important for them to protect and look after the weaker wild dogs in their pack.

I witnessed this wonderful behaviour during a safari ten days earlier.

Our group was trailing a group of hyenas.

They were stealthily pursuing a pack of wild dogs, including puppies and older wild dogs.

Somehow the stronger wild dogs caught wind of the predators.

Instead of running away, they reorganized themselves and defended the weaker ones.

They did not allow the hyenas to take any advantage of any member of their pack.

After a protracted test of courage, action and perseverance, the hyenas gave up and left them alone.

The Guide related to us another story about the wild dogs living in the Sanctuary which touched me.

He said, “We used to have one wild dog that was old, sick and dying away.”

“Interestingly, the rest of the wild dogs would help to feed and clean it.”

“They would also take turns to protect it.”

“This is so unlike many of the other animals.”

“For example, in the case of leopards or cheetahs, they would probably eat the dead or dying animal even though it is from the same breed.”

At that point, I thought about humans.

Humans may not eat their own kind.

However, they are capable of taking worst actions against each other.

The Guide added, “Eventually, that sick dog passed away and we buried it near to the shelter of the wild dogs.”

“Later, we were surprised to see one of them lying on top of the burial ground.”

“It became a sad experience because that wild dog was mourning for the dead.”

“It laid on the burial ground for about two weeks.”

“We have since learned that if any of the wild dogs is dead, we will have to leave it alone.”

“Somehow, the dogs would need time to grieve over one of their own.”

“These animals have a heart for their elderly and other members of their pack.”


I pondered over this experience on my flight back.

I wondered if after a good meal, the wild dogs would sit together on a cool part of the bushland.

And have the patience to listen to older wild dogs sharing their stories from the past.

I wondered if the elderly wild dogs would share wisdom crystallized from real-life battles and pass on their knowledge of practical living to the younger generation.

I wondered if the elderly wild dogs would mentor and coach the young so that they could improve their hunting skills and live a better life.

I wondered if they would remind the puppies how their parents had looked after them well.

They should also look after the older wild dogs when they grow up and thus, continue the cycle of life.

I also wondered about the human race.

In particular, I could not help thinking about our Asian culture.

We have always been taught to respect and look after the elderly.

I wondered if the next generation would continue to support this practice.

Would they end up doing better than the wild dogs?

What do you think?

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
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Living With Passion

What drives champions? Passion.

Passion is the essence of life.

Passion is the starting point to living a life of purpose, significance and fulfilment.

Passion is the generator that powers you with energy, vitality and dynamism on the journey of life.

Passion can turn impossibilities into possibilities. It can move you to achieve your highest calling.

Passion can lead you to magical times of life. It can also help you stretch every moment and savour it, moment by moment.

The reason is because passion, joy and happiness are close cousins.

They usually travel through thick and thin of life together.

Passion is the fire in your soul.

It can help you burn a trail and leave a track record of blazing glory.

That’s why if you cannot find passion in what you do, there is no reason why your body should be in it.

The lack of passion will eventually suck every bit of life from you.

Hence, ensure that you sleep and jump out of bed with passion.

Without passion, you are dead but not buried. You are alive but you may not be living life.

You don’t need to search for passion out there in the world.

Our Creator has already placed passion in your heart and being.

While growing up, the world might have cruelly tried to extinguish the fire inside you but still, a spark of passion would remain.

Fan the flame and reignite the fire.

People might try to crush it but they couldn’t because it’s the essence of life.

Fire it up and add to it the fuel of dreams, values and perseverance.

And fan it with imagination, learning and discipline.

Passion is the genesis of living a life that is truly worth the living.

I hope this message will find a place in your heart.
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Life is FUNtastic!